HIPAA and PCI Compliance

The Path to Hipaa Compliance is Easier With a Skilled Guide

Advanced Computer Solutions is here to help

HIPAA isn’t a choice, it’s the law. Your organization must implement policies and procedures, produce mandatory reporting, and provide evidence of ongoing issues detection and remediation to secure your computer networks. It’s confusing, tedious, and time consuming. Why take time away from your business to learn about compliance when we have the expertise to do the heavy lifting for you?

We help businesses like yours by:

  • Providing services to ensure ongoing compliance.
  • Producing all required reporting and documentation.
  • Implementing a stringent technical framework.
  • Utilizing trusted and tested tools.

We are the Experts

Our core offerings

We will review your current data security policies, work closely with you to restructure them to align with HIPAA, and provide ongoing services to keep your business on track to remain in compliance. Our team utilizes cutting-edge Compliance Process Automation software, Audit Guru for HIPAA™, to detect potential computer issues before they cause a breach of your network and violation of HIPAA.

Compliance is about mandatory reporting

If your organization is subject to an audit, you will be asked to produce a set of reports that document your efforts to comply with HIPAA. These reports include Policies and Procedures, Risk Assessments, and supporting evidence of compliance. We make sure this documentation is accurate and up-to-date.

Compliance is also an ongoing process

Good reporting alone isn’t enough. Compliance is an ongoing process to detect and remediate network issues as they arise. We regularly review the results of the Audit Guru scans and fix any compliance related problems that the software uncovers.

Ready to Get Started?

Contact us to get started with your very own HIPAA compliance specialist today!

Our Efficient 5-step Service

Easy as 1-2-3-4-5
Automate the compliance process.
Provide mandatory compliance reports that will satisfy the requirements of an audit
Organize your documentation in a custom online portal
Remediate compliance related network issues on an ongoing basis
Create detailed, supporting “evidence of compliance” that document all remediation activities